Hi, my name is Jo and I’m a notebook addict. I have notebooks in every room of the house, in every coat pocket and in every bag. They contain my plots and schemes, my dreams, my shopping lists and my to-do lists. They archive my house plans and garden plans, clothing designs and random doodles. They are a patchwork image of my brain, drawn in biro.
galleryI prize a beautiful notebook, even if I find myself reluctant to sully its pristine pages. “This notebook!” I say, “This will be the notebook for my perfect plans and designs, my best thoughts.” I’m not a poet but I sometimes wish I could fill its pages with elegant words.
When I flip back through a rediscovered notebook I’m always intrigued by the randomness of its contents. Reminders to buy cheese rub shoulders with tiny sketches and daily timetables.
I sometimes think I should sort them, amalgamate and rationalise them, but they continue to proliferate in their irrational untidiness – and, really, I think I can live with that.
galleryAre you a notebook fiend? What unexpected archives of your creative and random thoughts do you have in your life?
Love that the humble notebooks are getting the recognition they deserve! Long live the notebook!