Felt is a marketplace
If you have an enquiry about a specific product, please contact the seller directly:
- Use the seller contact button on the item listing or shop.
- To enquire about a purchase you've made, go to your Purchases page, and click the seller's name on the purchase to contact them.
- Need to change your payment method? Go to your Purchases page and contact the seller for alternative payment details. You don't need to place the order again.
Please note that it is against Felt's terms and conditions to use the messaging feature to exchange contact details (including email addresses, unless the transaction requires sending an electronic file) or conduct a transaction that bypasses Felt's checkout, including custom and wholesale orders.
Contact Felt Support
Products on Felt are listed by individual sellers. If you have an enquiry about a specific product or purchase, please contact the seller directly (see above).
Check the Felt help section for answers to frequently asked questions.
You can also connect with Felt on the following social networks: Facebook | Instagram
For general Felt enquiries and support, use the form below. We welcome your feedback and will do our best to help with any queries you may have. Submit your enquiry here: