jo drysdall

Organise your life

Moving, I have (re)discovered, is a big upheaval. Especially when you haven’t moved for seven years, and things have had a chance to “build up” a bit. Long gone are my student days of being able to fling my entire life possessions in the boot of a car in order to change digs!

First take your genuine medieval priory…

Reclaiming Style: using salvaged materials to create an elegant home
By Maria Speake and Adam Hills · Reviewed by Jo Drysdall

The title and cover of Reclaiming Style are promising: a clever storage space is finished with panels of reclaimed weatherboard, their timeworn surfaces creating a characterful finish and promising, with the superimposed text, a treasure-trove of ideas for outfitting your home in repurposed goodness.

Taking note

Hi, my name is Jo and I’m a notebook addict. I have notebooks in every room of the house, in every coat pocket and in every bag. They contain my plots and schemes, my dreams, my shopping lists and my to-do lists. They archive my house plans and garden plans, clothing designs and random doodles. They are a patchwork image of my brain, drawn in biro.

Home Sewn: a Kiwi design story

Home Sewn

By the New Zealand Fashion
Museum · Reviewed by Jo Drysdall

I still remember the thrill of being allowed to look through my mother’s wardrobe of home-sewn clothes when I was a little girl. As a fashionable young woman, my mother had sewn most of her own outfits: party frocks with fitted bodices and flared, flirty skirts, neat little shift dresses, and tailored, timeless Chanel-style suits. Home Sewn begins with a brief historical overview that places these homemade treasures in their Kiwi context…

Christmas… in the Halloween Zone?

Every year the Christmas paraphenalia seems to arrive earlier and earlier in the shops – and I, like many, am by no means reticent about having an annual moan on the subject. It’s the music more than anything, I think, and the oh-so frenetic version of Christmas to be found in so many retail quarters.
Which is why I’m finding my Felt-flavoured lead up to Christmas this year so much more enjoyable than past experiences.