Commission increase from 1 August

From 1 August 2023, commission on Felt sales will increase to 8.5% – our first price increase since Felt began, 16 years ago.

Listing fees will remain the same, so the day-to-day cost of having a Felt shop and listing products will not change. The increase only applies to commission on sales.

On an average item priced at $50, the increase in sales commission will be less than $2, but you may wish to increase your prices to cover that. 

To cover the new commission rate and maintain your existing income, you need to increase your prices by 3.825%.

For example, at present, if you sell an item priced at $50, your income is $47.50. Increasing this price to $51.91 (or the nice round price of $52) will ensure that your income remains the same (or higher) at the new commission rate.

Current item price on FeltSeller income at current commission rateNew item price on Felt
(to maintain the same income after 1 August)
Rounded up to the nearest dollar

To assist with updating your prices, you can use Felt’s bulk price adjustment tool, which applies a percentage adjustment to all active listings in your shop. Preview your 3.825% price increase now »

Increasing your prices is optional, but this is a great opportunity to review your pricing and take into account any other cost increases you may have faced since you last priced your work. Read more about how to price your work here »

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.