Our Found it on Felt competition brought out some beautiful images of your favourite Felt purchases – not only are you guys discerning shoppers, but awesome stylists too! It was a hard call narrowing it down, but here are our winners…
Robyn bought these cute hessian heart flags from My Heart Sings: “Love them hanging on my garden picket fence.” We think they look gorgeous too!
Remember, as far as anyone knows we are a nice normal family – Tanya has a lovely display featuring her print bought from Les Petits Mots: “Absolutely love it!!”
Emma got this cute wee Rose in Thorns owl candle for her birthday last year. Not only does he look super sweet, but he smells like vanilla. Yum!
Miriam has bunting by Felt Like Celebrating up in baby Clementine’s bedroom: “There is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY one and a MERRY CHRISTMAS one. We have them back to front in her room until we need to use them for a celebration.” Good thinking!
Desaree introduced us to her daughter’s Zippitydoodah creation: “This is Peachy, my daughter received her for Easter this year as an alternative to chocolate.” We’re into cute bunnies here at Felt too.
One of Sarah’s favourite Felt purchases is her Sweet William alphabet print: “It’s in my children’s room and used as a prop in many a photo of my baby shoes (also sold on Felt).”
Laura’s lovely earrings and necklace are from White Leaf: “I bought them for my wedding day last November, but I wear them all the time.”
Emma bought her fabulous quilted brooch from Croutons last month – we love the stunning colour co-ordination she’s got going on here.
Sarah sent us a photo of her styley bag from Jacolily bag: “I just love it – it is like a Tardis, looks small from the outside, but holds A LOT!”
Thanks to everyone who sent in pictures – we loved seeing them! – and congratulations to our winners, who will receive a bundle of some of New Zealand’s finest magazines: Good, Your Home and Garden, The Natural Parent and OHbaby!