Feedback for shonah
shonah's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for shonah
Comment after hihisewing sold #463071 to shonah
Thanks for supporting NZ made :)Comment after ifeelnatty sold #232153 to shonah
Thanks for supporting Natty made.Comment after ifeelnatty sold #232152 to shonah
Thanks for the order. Hope you like them.Cheers
Cat and Fiona
Comment after skytv sold #211264 to shonah
Very prompt payment, but no other contact. I assume everything went well at her end too.Comment after firecracker sold #182033 to shonah
Thank you for your purchase, sorry feedback is excessively slow in coming! I have been working on an exhibition of stitched work and fell wayyyy behind with my feedback.As a thank you please accept this voucher code for 10% off anything in my store, available on multiple items in one purchase until the end of July.
Many thanks Katherine
voucher code is; THANKS
Comment after firecracker sold #180200 to shonah
Thank you for your purchase, sorry feedback is excessively slow in coming! I have been working on an exhibition of stitched work and fell wayyyy behind with my feedback.As a thank you please accept this voucher code for 10% off anything in my store, available on multiple items in one purchase until the end of July.
Many thanks Katherine
voucher code is; THANKS