Feedback for janinet
janinet's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for janinet
Comment after beeskneesnz sold #285605 to janinet
Thank you janinet for supporting New Zealand made :) and for purchasing a Vanessa Lynne original. I hope you enjoy your one of a kind tunic :)Comment after asqdesign sold #246575 to janinet
I'm always chuffed to have a returning customer return yet again :) Thanks so much for your support Janine!Comment after asqdesign sold #269469 to janinet
So nice to have you return to purchase more. Big thanks for you support buying handmade. Enjoy :)Comment after asqdesign sold #258242 to janinet
So nice to have you return to purchase more. Big thanks for you support buying handmade. Enjoy :)Comment after asqdesign sold #246576 to janinet
Wonderful customer! Super easy transaction, hope the skirt is enjoyed.Comment after asqdesign sold #206877 to janinet
Wonderful customer! Super easy transaction, hope the skirt is enjoyed.Comment after asqdesign sold #156099 to janinet
Wonderful customer! Super easy transaction, hope the skirt is enjoyed.Comment after somethingsew sold #221808 to janinet
excellent buyer thanks so muchComment after schmicko sold #226400 to janinet
Excellent buyer, immediate payment and excellent communication, Many thanks, Barb MComment after asqdesign sold #151643 to janinet
Super easy transaction. Hope you are happy with your purchases :) Thanks a bunch for your support.Comment after asqdesign sold #148536 to janinet
Easy transaction. Thanks a bunch for your support! Hope the skirt is enjoyed :)Comment after firecracker sold #183831 to janinet
Thank you for your purchase, sorry feedback is excessively slow in coming! I have been working on an exhibition of stitched work and fell wayyyy behind with my feedback.As a thank you please accept this voucher code for 10% off anything in my store, available on multiple items in one purchase until the end of July.
Many thanks Katherine
voucher code is; THANKS