Feedback for caroline_burton
caroline_burton's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for caroline_burton
Comment after kduxy bought #547113 from caroline_burton
As I expected the pendant is unique and charming. I am going to give this to my artist friend in Japan. She uses wool for her work too.Comment after three23handmade sold #467289 to caroline_burton
Thanks so much for your purchase. I means a lot to have your repeatedly support me. Have a wonderful festive period.Comment after ironweed sold #449343 to caroline_burton
Thankyou for supporting NZ Made!Your order is on its way, NZ Post tracking no: LT185761780NZ
Comment after ilovekimchi bought #432350 from caroline_burton
Item was posted quickly. Thanks =)Comment after claire22 bought #426149 from caroline_burton
Sent out quickly and beautifully wrapped with a note. Really friendly people and just perfect!Comment after bleaches bought #428832 from caroline_burton
Caroline was so helpful to ship felted bowl kits to Canada and offered complimentary gift wrapping too. Looking forward to felting bowls with my family.Comment after three23handmade sold #408496 to caroline_burton
A great buyer. Lovely to deal with! Thanks so much for an easy sale and for supporting local makers :)Comment after cosy bought #324645 from caroline_burton
Thankyou so much! I love the artwork - it is everything I had hoped for - just beautiful, and perfect quality :) It arrived this morning, and made my day! The packaging was also excellent.Kind regards,