
Mindful making: the Christchurch woman whose handmade dolls inspire inner strength

Mindful making: the Christchurch woman who makes dolls to inspire inner strength
Hilary Tapper-Zakheim creates her inspiring, eco-friendly Khadil dolls with a hand-powered sewing machine in her Christchurch workroom. She uses handwoven cotton, woven by empowered village women in India, and other natural materials to create dolls that celebrate natural beauty, wholesomeness, inner strength, and handmade, conscious living.

Copper, timber and time: the sculptural forms of Cobredera

Copper, timber and time: the sculptural forms of Cobredera
Like many makers, Christchurch craftsman Ben Teeuwen’s journey started with making handcrafted gifts that drew compliments and led to word-of-mouth interest. From that emerged a plan to fashion beautiful jewellery using natural timber and recycled copper. His shop name, Cobredera, comes from the two Spanish words for his favourite materials: cobre (copper) and madera (wood).

Featured seller: Lulu Rose

Louann Sidon of Lulu Rose strives to find the ultimate balance between creativity and work. Alongside working three days a week in an art supply shop, she runs her small business from home creating original handmade goods. She sells online, in selected stores through out New Zealand and at the occasional market. One day she hopes to create from home full time, or open her own studio/store – and maybe even offer screen-printing classes!