Featured Seller: Art Divine

A familiar face at Wellington’s Craft 2.0, maker Davina Ewing is the creative force behind the gently whimsical jewellery and accessories of Art Divine. Davina’s distinctive pieces reflect her love of all things vintage, and the serene surroundings in which she works.


What do you make?
I create mixed media objects, including jewellery pieces, art dolls, magnets and art works. I am forever experimenting with different mediums.

How did you get into your craft?
Well I have always been artistic, but after having my two girls I decided I did not want to return to the corporate world of human resources and by accident I joined a mosaic group which got my creative juices running and from there I created a range of brooches that my friends loved and so I started creating jewellery pieces. That was the beginning of Art Divine,  5 years ago.


What inspires you?
My home, as I live in a wonderful two storey 1950 villa with fantastic high ceilings. We also have a wonderful garden which my studio looks out onto. My other inspirations are all things vintage and have been so since I was a child. My nana used to work in charity shops when I was young and she used to pick up all sorts of bits and pieces, before vintage was hip, of course.


Do you have formal training or qualifications in your craft?
I have attended a few workshops over the years but have not studied formally, personally for me I would find studying in a formal environment too restricting and do not believe it would help me creatively.

Your favourite materials, tools and processes?
My two favourite mediums to work with are paper and wood and I love combining resin with these materials.

Five words that describe your mind: Busy, evolving, ever searching, peaceful.


Describe your workspace:
Spacious and peaceful! Last year I doubled my workspace by moving downstairs. This allows me to have other people view my work easily and helps me to be more organised.

Is there a philosophy behind your work?
Mmmm…… good question! My inspiration comes from within and I try not to rationalise it too much as I find that if I spend too much time in my head it can stifle my creative process. My basic philosophy would be to create meaningful work.

Your favourite childhood book? Babar the Elephant.

What are you reading now?
Inside Out magazine. I hang out for it and count down the days to when the next one comes out. I love to read a good novel but don’t seem to have the time at the moment.

Do you have any pets? Yes, Simba the cat.

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Green.

You can view more of Davina’s work in her Felt shop, ArtDivine, and if you’re in the vicinity of Wellington, she’s a regular at Craft 2.0 at TheNewDowse in Lower Hutt – head along and say hello on Saturday 30 October!