Homespun Style

Cover of Homespun Style by Selina Lake
Homespun Style
Selina Lake · Reviewed by Rose Wells

Having recently purchased our first home, I was keen to see what Homespun Style by Selina Lake could offer in the form of decorating advice. There are lots of great ideas, and the mantra of working with what you have, rather than replacing with brand new, fits the small budget that goes with having just bought your first home.

Divided into three sections, the first describes the elements that go into a room, with detail on modern craft, colour and pattern and how to customise and recycle pieces you find. The “Details” section goes over textiles, lighting and display, while “Spaces” goes in depth into the different areas of the home – there is even a section for creative spaces. I liked the liberal of use of candles and holders, but the suggestion of open shelves to store your crockery had limited appeal after all the tremors here in Christchurch!

Inside spread from Homespun Style by Selina Lake

Inside spread from Homespun Style by Selina Lake
Homespun Style is a great source of inspiration for those who can’t help adding to their collection of op-shop finds. It’s full of tips on how to show off your finds and use things in unusual and decorative ways, and there are plenty of gorgeous photographs to inspire you to create your own homespun style.

Known for her beautiful scented candles and familiar to many Felt regulars as the friendly voice of our support desk, Rose Wells is now devoting her time to freelance graphic design and building her candlemaking empire, Rose in Thorns.