North and South Island shipping options now available

Heads up Felt sellers! You asked and we’ve delivered – you’re now able to separately price your North and South Island shipping options, to better reflect the pricing models offered by New Zealand courier companies. We’ve added four new “within NZ” shipping options that can apply to any of your listings:

  • North Island Courier – NZ
  • North Island Tracked – NZ
  • South Island Courier – NZ
  • South Island Tracked – NZ

These four new options are in addition to the existing New Zealand shipping options which are:

  • Standard post within NZ
  • Tracked within NZ
  • Courier within NZ

This means that for your Tracked and Courier options, you can choose either different price options for North and South Island or, if your costs are the same nationwide, you can choose the “within NZ” option to cover both islands.

If you have items that you want to amend, these options are now available. Read on below for how you can edit one listing and apply your changes to all.

It’s also a good time to look at the upcoming changes to NZ Post rates – make sure you check them out to ensure that your shipping costs are covered when these take effect on 1 July 2018.

Edit one listing, apply to all

Don’t forget that if all of your listings have exactly the same shipping and you need to update all of them, we have a tool to help with this. You can change the shipping options on one listing and use it as a template to apply the same shipping options to all of your remaining active listings. This will not work on withdrawn or expired listings.

Be aware that this applies the same shipping to all of your active listings, and can only be reversed by editing listings individually.

The “use this shipping for all of my listings” tool is available in the Listing Tools dropdown menu, accessible from any of your listings.