Feedback for misscharming
misscharming's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for misscharming
Comment after thedandylion sold #541231 to misscharming
Thank you so much for your purchase! your order is being sent today :)Comment after oddoneout sold #318168 to misscharming
Thanks so much for buying from Odd One Out!Comment after theartroom sold #320232 to misscharming
Thanks again for your order. I hope it arrives asap for you. Hayley / The Art Room. xComment after theartroom sold #320259 to misscharming
Thanks so much for shopping at The Art Room. Hayley. xComment after feltedroom sold #316364 to misscharming
Thankyou for purchasing your rabbit mug from The Felted Room.Comment after chrissyt sold #286094 to misscharming
Thank you for buying my art, I hope you enjoy it for many years to come.Comment after snippet sold #264122 to misscharming
Thank you for your purchases, I hope your family love them.Comment after sylviawatson sold #218054 to misscharming
Thanks very much for purchasing from ticticboom design. Your order has been shipped.Kind regards
Comment after ingrainednz sold #231066 to misscharming
Thank you very much for your support Janne, Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. -LorraineComment after jodiesart sold #171924 to misscharming
Thank you for your purchase :)Enjoy your print
Comment after tutus2 sold #193035 to misscharming
excellent customer, prompt payment good communication thanks so much.Comment after kenzy sold #166962 to misscharming
Friendly buyer and fast payment. Thanks.Comment after betsyandfred sold #177337 to misscharming
Thank you again!Comment after betsyandfred sold #177338 to misscharming
Thank you - hope they are loved!Comment after therubyloushop sold #165544 to misscharming
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop. Hope you like both pants. Delphine.Comment after snuggleb sold #141354 to misscharming
Awesome, thanks for your purchase, one of my favourites.Comment after sweetvintage sold #117760 to misscharming
A pleasure to have as a customer. Many thanks for shopping @ sweet vintage.Comment after sweetvintage sold #118373 to misscharming
A pleasure to have as a customer. Many thanks for shopping @ sweet vintage.Comment after theartroom sold #118542 to misscharming
Hi There, Thanks for your order, the payment came through today so I've posted it off this afternoon. Cheers! Hayley / The Art Room. xComment after nonnie-joefish sold #116784 to misscharming
Lovely sale - prompt payment. Many thanks.Comment after milkandhoney sold #114540 to misscharming
Fabulous customer, highly recommended! Thank-you for purchasing from milk and honey, enjoy your {vintage bloom} headband!Comment after ellaquaint sold #90014 to misscharming
Again a pleasure to do business with you,Kind regards,