Feedback for miriam
miriam's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for miriam
Comment after silverstarnz sold #578329 to miriam
I hope you love your Rainbow Fish stickers! Thank you so much :)Comment after fullywoolly sold #579471 to miriam
Thanks for your order!Comment after lavenderstation sold #580938 to miriam
Thank you very much for your support. Trader was very prompt with payment and very easy to deal with- thank you for your support.Comment after lavenderstation sold #580965 to miriam
Thank you very much for your support. Trader was very prompt with payment and very easy to deal with- thank you for your support.Comment after ezystitch sold #579990 to miriam
Excellent customer. Thank you for your kind support. Hope you enjoy a new hobby :)Comment after donnakebab sold #577862 to miriam
Thank you kindly. Enjoy xxxComment after maymei_makes sold #559913 to miriam
Thank you for trusting in me and for purchasing from me! Enjoy your bag ^^Comment after stillmilly sold #574872 to miriam
Thank you for your order from Still Milly! I hope you enjoy your body butter- Ngā mihi ( :Comment after strungoutnz sold #574575 to miriam
Thank you so much for your purchase.It was an absolute pleasure creating for you.