Here at Felt we love to show off our sellers’ creations and we love a good handmade Christmas, so naturally it’s the highlight of our year to bring you the Felt Christmas Gift Guide!
Yes, our little elves have been hard at work, searching and sorting, and filling the Gift Guide with lots of lovely goodies to make your shopping easy. We have gifts for domestic goddesses and gardeners, crafters and culture junkies. We’ve got your fashionistas and hipsters covered – and of course we’ve not forgotten the men in your life – or the kids! We can make your Christmas Kiwi-flavoured or even make it quirky. We’ve got your Secret Santa sorted, your stockings filled, your decorations displayed and your postable pressies all wrapped up. Phew!
Whether Christmas shopping is your favourite activity or a daunting task, the Felt Gift Guide will make it a breeze. Just pick the category that suits your giftee (is that a word?) best and take a leisurely, stress-free browse through our range of conveniently categorised potential presents.
Stay tuned to the Felt blog over November and December for a magical mystery tour of the guide. We’ll be coming up with the goodies to solve your present crises and conundrums from now right up till Christmas. And we promise: no synthesised Christmas music.
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