Kitting out the kitchen…

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, I’m a big fan of having lovely handmade things around that earn their keep in both form and function. One of my regular haunts on Felt is the homewares section, and I can often be found engrossed in its pages, coveting items of a culinary inclination. Kitchen and dining, that’s my ‘hood.

I particularly have a thing for beautiful and/or witty tea towels (I’m not a fan of washing up, so why make a dull task even duller with boring tea towels?) and Felt has some great kitchen linen, like the Stack of Dishes Teatowel by The Art Room (hand screenprinted and home sewn – that’s dedication), Sandra Waine’s fantail designs and Dear Colleen’s ingenious Dishes I’d Rather Be Doing set. Brilliant.

And Felt’s growing collection of kitchen accessories, utensils and culinary paraphernalia means one need not stop at handmade teatowels. Check out the lush kitchen and dining products I’ve found below, and then click on through to homewares to do some fossicking of your own.

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