In memoriam

Adrienne Meredith

This week we received the distressing news that one of our own was a victim of the Christchurch earthquake. Adrienne Meredith was working in the Pyne Gould Guiness building on the day of the quake.

A seller on Felt, a Crafty Business groupie and a regular stallholder at Lyttelton Market, A Craft Affair and many other local events, Adrienne was a friendly and familiar face to many of us in the Christchurch craft community. She was passionately pursuing the crafter’s dream, working part time as she established her own clothing label, Revived in New Zealand, which she sold on Felt under the name of Revived.

My lasting memory of Adrienne is of her cheerful greeting as she arrived to set up for A Craft Affair last year. Throughout the day her smile didn’t falter and each time I passed her stall she had a good humoured comment or jokey observation to share. She was genuine, friendly, enthusiastic and down to earth, a talented designer and dressmaker and a pleasure to have known.

On behalf of the Felt community, I’d like to extend my sympathy to Adrienne’s family and friends. She will be remembered with love and greatly missed by her crafty friends from Felt and beyond.

Adrienne’s funeral will be held this Saturday in Christchurch.

5 thoughts on “In memoriam

  1. i met you once when i was trying on a beautiful skirt you had made. the world will have one less sparkle.
    love and prayers to your friends and family

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