Extra Curricular – issue 1 now available on Felt


Extra Curricular is a brand new New Zealand publication dedicated to showcasing people who do interesting creative projects in their spare time as well as encouraging those who wish they did.

Whether they have a 9-5 job, a fledgling business or a young family, the people profiled in Extra Curricular are connected by their passion for keeping the right side of the brain active in their off-hours. They do it for the love of it – driven by a creative urge, they stay up late and work weekends in order to complete their latest side project, whether that’s a new T-shirt design, vandalising an old landscape print or embroidering a picture of Helen Clark.

As well as having fab content, Extra Curricular is beautifully designed and printed in full colour on gorgeous recycled stock, so it’s a lovely collectible publication as well.

The first issue is being launched tomorrow (Thursday 19 November) with a celebration at DOC on K Road in central Auckland, so if you’re in the neighbourhood, head along from 7pm, meet Ellie and pick up your very own copy of Extra Curricular. Rumour has it there will be cupcakes too!

Extra Curricular is also available on Felt – place your order now, there’s a limited number and my guess is they’ll sell fast!

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