Crafty Business, 7pm Monday 2 March, Christchurch

Crafty Business hit the ground running at the beginning of this month and returns to Churchills Public House (441 Colombo Street in Sydenham, Christchurch) at 7pm this coming Monday, 2 March.

This month we’re looking at the big picture – what’s involved in running a crafty business and how to make it work for you. Please bring along your creations for show and tell – we’d love to see your work!

Crafty Business is a chance for Christchurch crafters to get together and exchange ideas, make new contacts, collaborate and socialise with like-minded people. Come and join us for a healthy dose of inspirational crafty company, business planning advice and a glass of wine at Churchills in Sydenham at 7pm on Monday 2 March. Email me at for further details or check out the Crafty Business blog for the latest.

One thought on “Crafty Business, 7pm Monday 2 March, Christchurch

  1. hey there – found this really cool insert from an etsy article on tips for marketing your handmade products:

    “For me the number one reason to buy something handmade is that that item has a story and a life separate from me. It was not designed by committee somewhere and then fabricated somewhere else. It was conceived and created by a single human being with a story to tell. And if I know that story behind my purchase, I will tell it again and again to everyone in every elevator who asks me about it. Using your Etsy shop or your products to tell a story or more specifically your story can be a powerful way to distinguish yourself in a sea of makers.

    Set Your Scene and Do Not Waste One Word!

    Every bit of text in your shop is an opportunity to tell a story. Shop title, item descriptions and titles. You know this already and I know it is sometimes very hard to do! Once I have taken a good picture of my new items, I don’t want to waste time writing text before I present it to the world! I want to click UPLOAD! But you always have more content to add to your listings.

    by TinaSeamonster (blogger, craftster, and etsy member)

    anyhow thought it could be a useful little reminder of what makes handmade special and unique, and to emphasise that in our felt shops with each item we make…


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