Feedback for whirledpeas
whirledpeas's star rating is 4.5 / 5 stars (90.5%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for whirledpeas
Comment after affiknitty sold #539068 to whirledpeas
Purchaser failed to respond to numerous messages sent over several weeks or make payment, time waster it would seem.Comment after reformaglory sold #235256 to whirledpeas
Thank youComment after lini sold #225395 to whirledpeas
Thanks for your purchase!Comment after therubyloushop sold #239398 to whirledpeas
Thank you again Leesa. Please let me know if it's the wrong size! Happy to exchange for a bigger one :0) Delphine.Comment after asqdesign sold #228403 to whirledpeas
Easy transaction. Thanks a bunch for your support! Hope the skirt is enjoyed :)Comment after mandykay sold #235261 to whirledpeas
Thanks for being an amazing customer, I hope your wee ones enjoy the magic of christmas this season :) your goodies are all shipped and should arrive soon. Thanks, MandyKay Designs.Comment after aporah sold #235257 to whirledpeas
Great easy customer!! Enjoy the products!Comment after therubyloushop sold #223084 to whirledpeas
Thank you again Leesa. Have a lovely Xmas, Delphine.Comment after softearthart sold #220957 to whirledpeas
Many thanks, cheersComment after fairydoor sold #235260 to whirledpeas
Great customer with a prompt paymentThank you so much for your purchase
Fairy Door
Comment after bluebirdpots sold #235259 to whirledpeas
Thanks again for your purchase, added the overnight courier ticket and posted them just now so hope they get to you OK.Comment after lini sold #206979 to whirledpeas
Thanks for the nice and easy purchase!Comment after therubyloushop sold #212673 to whirledpeas
thanks for shopping at the RubyLou Shop. Hope you like the pants. Delphine.Comment after woodbotherer* sold #220818 to whirledpeas
Great customer. Thank you for buying from the Woodbotherer.Comment after woodwise sold #222234 to whirledpeas
Good sale Fair communication Recommend traderComment after mararoa sold #202765 to whirledpeas
Lovely customer, thank you for letting me know your daughter enjoyed the game!Many thanks