Feedback for trusca
trusca's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for trusca
Comment after emmaturner sold #469918 to trusca
Many thanks :)Comment after thedandylion sold #469576 to trusca
Thank you so much for your purchase :)Comment after fullywoolly sold #471446 to trusca
Thanks for your orderComment after jaxandjulz sold #433650 to trusca
Thank you for your purchase. I hope you love your masks as much as I love to create them!Comment after jaxandjulz sold #433649 to trusca
Thank you for your purchase. I hope you love your masks as much as I love to create them!Comment after pigeonmakery sold #404163 to trusca
Very easy transaction - thank you!Comment after madebylisa sold #391791 to trusca
Thanks!Comment after thebirdsnest sold #385771 to trusca
Thanks for choosing The Birdsnest. Enjoy your bean bagsComment after sewmama sold #385844 to trusca
Excellent customer, speedy payment highly recommend. Thanks for supporting a local NZ business. Hope to see you here again:)Comment after madebylisa sold #385843 to trusca
Thanks!Comment after littlepeanut sold #385841 to trusca
Great customer with prompt payment. Thank you for shopping with Little Peanuts NZ :)Comment after littlepeanut sold #385842 to trusca
Great customer with prompt payment. Thank you for shopping with Little Peanuts NZ :)Comment after ifeelnatty sold #336147 to trusca
Thanks for buying NZ made/design and hope you love your card.Cheers
Cat and Fiona