Feedback for nataliembake
nataliembake's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for nataliembake
Comment after goblinmarket sold #571623 to nataliembake
Thank you for your purchase from Goblin Market, it was a pleasure trading with you.Comment after rosemaryhorn sold #367426 to nataliembake
Thanks for the purchase, great communication.Comment after daxgoods sold #398932 to nataliembake
Thank you for supporting local makers.Comment after fat-spatula sold #304070 to nataliembake
Another fine example of a genuine online buyer - thanks for supporting my business. For new products and information check my listings and follow me on facebook. after pickleskids sold #179085 to nataliembake
Thanks for your order - I hope you enjoy the bibs xComment after sylviawatson sold #159908 to nataliembake
Hi Natalie,Your brooch was shipped yesterday. Hope you and your daughter enjoy it!
Kind regards