Feedback for mpg
mpg's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for mpg
Comment after aurora sold #349669 to mpg
It was a pleasure to sell to you. Your beret was posted yesterday (Monday) afternoon so you should receive it soon. Please shop with Aurora again if you need another hat.Comment after bubbleon sold #308715 to mpg
Thanks for great trade. Super fast payment. Easy, hassle free trade. Highly recommend to others. Cheers. Bubble on :)Comment after squareroots sold #267236 to mpg
Your Houses game has been posted. Hope you have fun playing! And thanks for supporting SquareRootsGames.Comment after houseshoes sold #212719 to mpg
Thank you for your purchase!Comment after houseshoes sold #232029 to mpg
Thank you for your purchase!Comment after houseshoes sold #177817 to mpg
Thank you for your purchaseComment after houseshoes sold #177818 to mpg
Thank you for your purchaseComment after minsidesignltd sold #151874 to mpg
Great trader, hope you enjoy. Thanks for supporting my little business.Comment after artdivine* sold #147923 to mpg
thanks so much for buying from my shop once againDavina x