Feedback for janet1048
janet1048's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for janet1048
Comment after soleil sold #531300 to janet1048
Thank you so much for re-shopping my handmade goods. soleilComment after soleil sold #545402 to janet1048
Lovely customer with friendly communication! Thank you so much. soleilComment after soleil sold #532283 to janet1048
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment. I hope you like the bags. SoleilComment after madebylisa sold #529395 to janet1048
Thanks!Comment after crushesgoods sold #512213 to janet1048
Kia ora Janet,Thanks so much for your support! It means so much to us.
Your tracking for this order is : NZ Couriers AJON001562
Debbie at Crushes
Comment after nuku sold #449726 to janet1048
Thank you for your purchase of this scarf, and for your support of this small artisan business. I hope you enjoy wearing it,Karen
Comment after foundthings sold #473004 to janet1048
Many Thanks for supporting NZ made it’s really appreciatedComment after makery sold #384676 to janet1048
Many thanks - I hope you enjoy! Ellen at Hilltop MakeryComment after feltedroom sold #337819 to janet1048
Thankyou for purchasing your wedding horseshoe from The Felted Room.Comment after feltedroom sold #293140 to janet1048
Thankyou for purchasing your Wedding horse shoe from The Felted Room.Comment after george_art sold #262842 to janet1048
Thanks for your purchase janet1048 (sorry about the late feedback!).Comment after pinkbasket sold #299323 to janet1048
Thanks, pleasure to deal with you!Comment after rosewoodwool sold #295323 to janet1048
Many thanks for your order and prompt payment. Your wool is in the post- it's gorgeous! We hope you love it as much as we do.Warm Regards, Nicola and Vicky