Feedback for eadoin
eadoin's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for eadoin
Comment after knitwitnz sold #564464 to eadoin
Great customer! Thank you so much for buying slippers from Knitwitnz again :)Comment after clarityglass sold #488151 to eadoin
Thanks for your purchase! Merry Christmas!Comment after sonjatees sold #478864 to eadoin
Many thanks for your t-shirt purchase and prompt payment! Kind regards, SonjaComment after makingit sold #479448 to eadoin
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy baking with the cookie cutters. Thanks. :)Comment after makingit sold #479447 to eadoin
Great buyer - fast payment and a pleasure to deal with. I hope you enjoy baking with the cookie cutters. Thanks. :)Comment after ironweed sold #479049 to eadoin
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