Feedback for debopede8168
debopede8168's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for debopede8168
Comment after gingerpossum sold #577737 to debopede8168
Thanks!Comment after whittlebit sold #577739 to debopede8168
Thank you for buying the carving kitIt’s in the post
Comment after henahena sold #460144 to debopede8168
Hi Deb,Hope you are doing good.
Thank you for your purchase at Hena Hena again! Your item is on its way now.
I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback.
Kind regards,
Comment after henahena sold #460210 to debopede8168
Hi Deb,Thank you for your patience. Your item is on the way now! Because of the current situation the delivery might take longer than usual.
I look forward to hearing your feedback.
Kind regards,
Comment after henahena sold #414007 to debopede8168
Thank you for your purchase again!Kind regards,
Nana from Hena Hena
Comment after henahena sold #412353 to debopede8168
Thank you so much for your purchase at Hena Hena again! Please let me know how you like it by placing feedback :DThanks a lot, Nana
Comment after soleil sold #412835 to debopede8168
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment. Stay safe and be well. SoleilComment after soleil sold #393314 to debopede8168
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment. I hope you enjoy the purse. SoleilComment after henahena sold #407648 to debopede8168
Hi Deborah, thank you so very much for your purchase again at Hena Hena!Comment after fibrefusion sold #404480 to debopede8168
Fantastic customer! Thank you very much for your purchase .Comment after fibrefusion sold #404481 to debopede8168
Thank you so much for your purchase.Comment after henahena sold #403633 to debopede8168
Thank you for your purchase at Hena Hena.Please let me know how you like it by placing your feedback :D
Thanks a lot, Nana
Comment after henahena sold #403634 to debopede8168
Thank you for your purchase at Hena Hena.Please let me know how you like it by placing your feedback :D
Thanks a lot, Nana