Who could resist a nap, with this gorgeous sleepy chap from Sandra Waine, Printmaker for company?
Who could resist a nap, with this gorgeous sleepy chap from Sandra Waine, Printmaker for company?
Waiotemarama Willow Pattern is a print by Allan Gale, created in his studio in the secluded bush valley at Waitomarama, South Hokianga. The kauri wood used to make this print is hand carved and printed using a traditional technique.
Joe McMenamin describes himself as an an obsessive doodler. “I doodle everywhere. I even doodled on my arm and had it tattooed. The organic flowing doodle pattern that I use in most of my work has represented many different things, from birdsong to Darth Vader’s thoughts!”
Louann Sidon of Lulu Rose strives to find the ultimate balance between creativity and work. Alongside working three days a week in an art supply shop, she runs her small business from home creating original handmade goods. She sells online, in selected stores through out New Zealand and at the occasional market. One day she hopes to create from home full time, or open her own studio/store – and maybe even offer screen-printing classes!
letterpress : ˈlɛtəprɛs : noun : 1. printing from a hard raised image under pressure, using viscous ink.
Printmaker Emily Cater has a busy and interesting life – which includes performing in a handmade mermaid and mariner dress with her band Mermaid and Mariner! She’s also just taken part in the Auckland Art and Craft Fair and is currently working on some giant landscape paintings and a new zine. These diverse and colourful interests shine through in her gorgeous range of Miss Crow prints.
The Big Printmaking Festival’s Get Printmaking Day, 10am–4pm, Sunday 25 May, Christchurch
Don’t miss the highlight of the Big Printmaking Festival this Sunday, when printmaking will scale up to new levels! Come along and see large scale woodcut and monoprint projects by schools and artists being inked and rolled with a street road roller in the CBD!
Would you like to learn a new skill? If you live in Auckland here’s your chance. GTO Printers have one space left in this weekend’s workshop “Learn the Basics of Letterpress in One Day.”
To discover Allan Gale you have to take an adventure to the secluded and wild bush valley of Waiotemarama in the Hokianga. His intricate prints explore and reflect the many wonders of nature found around him and showcase one of the oldest wood engraving and printing techniques in existence today.
Gold is very ‘in’ right now. Gold iPhones, gold-blinged cars, gold on the catwalk…