Frocktober day 11: Sharyn
Frocktober day 11: Sharyn…
Frocktober day 11: Sharyn…
We recently spotted these crafty characters invading the shop of the Adventures of Alex O & Co, so we thought we’d better find some more goodies with Norse appeal quick-smart to appease them. Here’s our hoard gift ideas for visiting Vikings…
You don’t want to face a polar blast without the gear for it – make sure you’ve got the accessories to see you through to spring.
“The news is being flashed far and wide, and before our earth has revolved on her axis every civilized community within the reach of the electric wires will have received the tidings that civic freedom has been granted to the women of New Zealand…”
Brrr! Snow in May! That had me hunting out my warmest beanie, I can tell you. For me, the main requirement of a winter woolly hat or beanie is that it covers my ears. On days like these I’d like one that covers my nose too, but I accept that that does start to look faintly ridiculous.
It may be Autumn but, by golly, I’m still in need of my sunhat.