
Christmas… in the Halloween Zone?

Every year the Christmas paraphenalia seems to arrive earlier and earlier in the shops – and I, like many, am by no means reticent about having an annual moan on the subject. It’s the music more than anything, I think, and the oh-so frenetic version of Christmas to be found in so many retail quarters.
Which is why I’m finding my Felt-flavoured lead up to Christmas this year so much more enjoyable than past experiences.

Happy Christmas and thank you from Felt!

Happy Christmas and thank you from Felt!

Since Felt began I have finished up every year feeling grateful and amazed by the support and general loveliness of the Felt community. This year, as we’ve faced challenges I never imagined I’d need in my business plan, it has meant a great deal more than ever before. Thank you for continuing to support Felt and for making it such an awesome community to be part of!

From Friday 23 December until Wednesday 4 January the Felt team will be enjoying a bit of time off. Enquiries during this time will be answered, but please note that we may take up to 48 hours to respond. Have a wonderful Christmas and here’s to a fabulous year in 2012!