Craft2.0 Marching On, Saturday 6 March, Wellington

Craft2.0 Marching On

The first Craft2.0 of 2010 kicks off at 11am this Saturday 6 March at TheNewDowse in Lower Hutt, and it’s not to be missed! As well as your regular favourites, there’s a few new faces from Wellington and beyond – in amongst the array of handmade gorgeousness, you’ll find the crafty stylings of Bad Animals, Whskr, Madame Cake, Ruby in the Dust, The Sewphist, Bam Bam Creative, Honey Design, Wyrcan, imba design, Miss Millie, Marian Smale, Poppetto, Black Swan Designs, Sweet William, Smash Palace and heaps more.

And Felt will be there too! Swing by and say hello, and put your entry in to the Felt prize draw – lovely handmade goodies will be up for grabs, watch this space for more details.

This Craft2.0 is pretty special, being part of the 2010 Fringe Festival, and there’s some great exhibitions on at TheNewDowse too, so it’s a fab opportunity to make a day of it, soak up some culture and indulge in some handmade shopping with some of the best and brightest of the New Zealand craft scene.

This fair also sees the launch of Friends of Craft2.0. A subscription gets you all kinds of crafty privileges, but the coolest thing is the VIP shopping time before every fair, so you don’t miss out on your pick of the handmade awesomeness that is Craft2.0.

See you there on Saturday!