Promoting with Felt
Collective promotion can have way more impact than each of us going it alone. Visitors to Felt often end up purchasing from more than one seller, so promoting your Felt shop not only increases your own sales and profile, but pays it forward to other makers in the community. Everybody wins!
Felt supports a community of makers, artists, designers, and craftspeople. Together we are the largest collective of makers and creatives in New Zealand. If we are all pulling together and sharing the same message, that's a powerful voice.
There are four important ways below that you can get the word out there, and do it in a way that helps harness the power we have as a collective, as well as individuals.
See also our blog - Ten tips to promote your Felt shop - to maximise your chances of great sales.
1. Promote your Felt shop
Find me on Felt cards and stickers
We currently have three types of Find me on Felt cards available: table display cards, generic business cards, and customised Find me on Felt business cards. They're a great way to remind customers to look for you on Felt, and we know Felt shoppers love spotting them at markets so they can look you up later. Order yours now »
Customised Find me on Felt
business cards
Slip in with purchases at markets, hand out with (or as!) your business card, and include in your marketing endeavours. You can order a customised PDF to print yourself, or have 100 cards delivered.
Order yours now »
Find me on Felt table cards
Great for display at markets and events, and in shop displays and social media photos – just add your shop name! We can include these free when you order business cards or stickers, or you can pick them up at selected markets and Felt Chapter events.
Find me on Felt stickers
Stick them on your parcels, wear them at markets, pop them on the back of your business card or swing tags…the possibilities are endless! 45mm diameter, available in sheets of 24.
Order yours now »
What else would you like to see here? Drop us a line with your ideas.
2. Go nuts on social media
Social media is one of the most accessible and affordable ways to reach a wide audience. There are two easy ways you can make this work for you:
Optimise your social media channels for Felt sales
Include your Felt shop address (e.g. in your profile or bio, use Felt hashtags in your posts, share your Felt listings (there's an easy button on every listing to do this), and on Facebook, you can even link your "shop now" button to your Felt shop using that same link!
Connect with Felt and help increase our reach
Felt has an active presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and we use those channels to promote all of you! Help us reach a wider audience by subscribing to our feeds and liking, commenting, tagging friends, and sharing. The more traffic we can bring into Felt, the more sales all round. Connecting with us also keeps you on our radar when we're creating content to share.
3. Distribute promotional print material
We've created a selection of posters that you can download and print to put up at work, school, your local library – anywhere you can think of! For bonus points (and a signal boost from Felt), take a picture of your postering prowess and share it on social media with the hashtag #iheartfelt.

Printable A4 poster 1
Download PDF (1.8MB)

Printable A4 poster 2
Download PDF (1.4MB)

Printable A4 poster 3
Download PDF (1.4MB)

Printable A4 poster 4
Download PDF (2.4MB)
4. Go shopping!
The way you spend your money is just as important as the way you earn it. If you're promoting handmade and local, walk the walk! Make Felt your first port of call when you're looking for something beautiful – as a seller you know how much those purchases mean to the makers, and as a shopper, you know there's loads of things on Felt you love! Nothing is better promotion than personal endorsement – share your experience of shopping on Felt with friends, post a picture of your purchase on social media, remember to leave feedback for the seller on Felt, and give them a shout-out through your channels and networks.