"Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitini" - Our strength is not made from us alone, but made from many.
Hello! my name is Joyce and I am the creator of Sprinka Joy.
My intention of Sprinka Joy is to sprinkle joy everywhere I or my creations can go.
I enjoy making meaningful, mostly sustainable and functional projects out of naturally sourced materials to the best of my ability. I primarily make items to fundraise for a chosen conservation/wildlife charity, donated weekly.
My intention to create is not solely to raise funds but to also raise awareness of the current environmental status, and to advocate for collective action. I strongly believe we can make a greater impact if more of us contributed to the betterment of the entire existence on Earth.
"Ēhara tāku toa i te toa takatahi, engari he toa takitini" - Our strength is not made from us alone, but made from many.
I believe in collective action, and that as a team, the Tangata Whenua (the people of the land) we can achieve and make great changes together. One can only do so much, as each of us is limited to what we can do.
Nature needs our help, and we need them as much as they need us if not more so, for the sake of our longevity and for the love of our planet. It is time to give back.