Feedback for suzykofoed
suzykofoed's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for suzykofoed
Easy hassle-free sale, thanks so much. I hope you like your keepsake :)
Wonderful felt customer - thank you :)
Hi Suzy, thanks for the purchase, I've put it in the post today. Please let me know if you are happy with it. Many thanks
Easy hassle-free sale. Customer was a pleasure to work with! I hope you like your keepsake! :)
Sale Didn't go through due to misunderstanding the item description. Money was refunded. Happy from both sides :)
Many Thanks for purchasing a Mummy Maid Designs Print, your print was posted 1/10. Enjoy! :)
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment!
Thank you for your purchase and prompt payment!
Thanks so much, have a wonderful Christmas x Gill
Nice to see you back, I'll post your necklace today, I hope you enjoy it :)
Excellent customer! thanks for buying with Sunshineyah and come back anytime.
Always a fab customer, thanks so much for supporting my shop. Your necklace is in the post, I hope you enjoy it.
Super customer, thanks again! I hope you like this one.
Thanks so much for purchasing an iDear!
Great customer, thank you so much. I have posted your necklace today (with note as requested), I hope your friend likes her present!
Thank you for visiting my shop, your necklace is in the post, I hope you enjoy it.