Feedback for stacym
stacym's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for stacym
Comment after feltsoapgood sold #500890 to stacym
Very happy with this trade. Thank you for buying craft goods from FeltSoapGood. Your item has been shipped. Please share your Comments and Photos and follow our @FeltSoapGood accounts on FaceBook and Instagram.Comment after prontopart sold #416756 to stacym
Hope that they all arrived safely :)Comment after mariansmale sold #375254 to stacym
thankyou for a lovely easy transaction. Very happy to have you back anytime.Comment after startingfrm0 sold #387763 to stacym
Great buyer, welcome back anytime. Thank you for your purchase of the bottle opener.Have a great 2020!
Craig / Starting from Zero