Feedback for sammygem
sammygem's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for sammygem
Comment after bessiessoapery sold #576268 to sammygem
prompt payment, thanksComment after frogsbygigi sold #554162 to sammygem
Thank you again and for your very generous feedbackComment after equinox_nz sold #571624 to sammygem
Thank you so much for your purchase.Comment after havenpottery sold #569314 to sammygem
Fantastic customer, prompt payment and great communication! Thanks so much for your support sammygem! :)Comment after tussockland sold #571712 to sammygem
Thank you for your purchase.Comment after sudsbynaturenz sold #571580 to sammygem
Thank you for your order and prompt payment. Enjoy your soaps!Comment after megroulston sold #550976 to sammygem
Super customer. Thank you for prompt payment. I hope you enjoy using your ceramics.Comment after kowhaikare sold #567622 to sammygem
Excellent trader - prompt payment - thank you.Comment after kowhaikare sold #567623 to sammygem
Excellent trader - prompt payment - thank you.Comment after kowhaikare sold #567625 to sammygem
Excellent trader - prompt payment - thank you.Comment after kowhaikare sold #567624 to sammygem
Excellent trader - prompt payment - thank you.Comment after richwoodpens sold #430438 to sammygem
Good sale! / Sammy also involved on Felt, thank you for your custom.Comment after hanny bought #539168 from sammygem
Thanks for the prompt response and shipping. Very happy with my item :) 10/10!!Comment after emmakyri6291 bought #550159 from sammygem
This is a beautiful product, thank you so much. Sammygem is awesome to buy from too - fast, friendly and efficient service.Comment after vosceramics sold #553437 to sammygem
Thank you for your order, I hope you enjoy your new tumbler mug - Studio Vos CeramicsComment after luxibuff sold #553010 to sammygem
Thank you so much for supporting locally made. I really appreciate it.Enjoy using (or gifting!) your product.