Feedback for raggedpoet
raggedpoet's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for raggedpoet
Comment after sfairbrother bought #130735 from raggedpoet
Fabulous service and wonderful little bag - will be very much enjoyed - thank you!Comment after riverbed bought #87358 from raggedpoet
I do wish there was a BRILLIANT Button :-) If there was, Ragged Poet would get it - An amazing book, made with love & fun, it was so well recieved that I will need to place another order. EXCELLENT product, if you want something that is truely unique, look no further, you have found it here! Many thanks love....xxComment after grawen bought #91830 from raggedpoet
Great communication, prompt responses and very willing to work with my situation. Extremely lovely item, shipped fast and lovingly packed. I'm very pleased with my transaction.Comment after softearthart bought #92950 from raggedpoet
Oh so lovely, this custom made journal, is delightful.It was made with care and kindness, full of rich embellishments and pages of color
It will be a joy to write in
Many thanks, cheers Marie