Feedback for mararoa
mararoa's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for mararoa
Comment after whirledpeas bought #202765 from mararoa
Awesome game, easy enough for my 4 year old to get into. Would be a great gift too!Comment after onetrickpony sold #118340 to mararoa
Lovely customer, thanks for your order, I hope you are as happy with this purchase.Comment after onetrickpony sold #144484 to mararoa
Great customer, thanks! I hope you enjoy your brooches.Comment after nicjohnstone bought #61743 from mararoa
thanks for sending direct! Recieved all well and good.Comment after bellnwhistle sold #35132 to mararoa
Thanks for shopping with bell.n.whistle :)The badges will be in the post to you tomorrow, I hope you enjoy wearing them!