Feedback for kazzalblue
kazzalblue's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for kazzalblue
Comment after lizzj bought #324151 from kazzalblue
Absolutely LOVE our product - the seller was SO accommodating and delivered in great time even though she was on holiday!! Wow, highly recommend :-)Comment after andrealukac bought #137331 from kazzalblue
Great car caddy - perfect for christmasComment after runningpukeko bought #77790 from kazzalblue
Absolutely delightful pirate finger puppets - a real hit with the little one!Comment after bond007 bought #98760 from kazzalblue
Lovely, thankyou!Comment after momomo bought #98353 from kazzalblue
Thanks. Lovely bootsComment after sachahalpin bought #56817 from kazzalblue
This is the second time i have purchased these boots. I couldnt find anything as good so i e-mailed to see if toddler boots could be made & i was so happy to find out that yes they could be! They are the only boots that stay on. I recommend them to everyone. They're awesome!Thanks kazzalblue!!Comment after mealybug bought #57824 from kazzalblue
Love love love the Harry Potter finger puppets!! Thanks very much... and they arrived in time before we went away :-)Comment after teddybears bought #68650 from kazzalblue
Thanks, they are awesome!Comment after whirledpeas bought #63032 from kazzalblue
Thank you, very well made, going to be perfect for when we need a distraction out and aboutComment after samstills bought #28498 from kazzalblue
The colouring wallet lives in the nappy bag and is used ALL the time!! We have been through at least 4 note pads now and I don't see the novelty fading anytime soon!! Thank you so much! :)Comment after samstills bought #23179 from kazzalblue
Brilliant!! LOVE it and wonderful seller! :)Comment after juliemay bought #29957 from kazzalblue
Lovely slippers. Very warm, comfortable and cute. A little slippery on hard floors. Roomy enough for growth which is great because they are going to get a lot of wear. Thank you.Comment after becksock bought #47713 from kazzalblue
Made a lovely gift. Thanks.Comment after jacksta bought #8104 from kazzalblue
Thanks SO much for going the extra mile and adding some more length. They look lovely and should last all winter.Thanks again