Feedback for katier1985
katier1985's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for katier1985
Comment after baileycreations sold #484877 to katier1985
Thank you for your lovely order - I hope you enjoy your purchases, and I see you again - Merry ChristmasComment after gala sold #418381 to katier1985
Thank you for choosing my little NZ-made store x Your order has been couriered and should arrive in the next day or so :)Comment after imaginethis sold #416123 to katier1985
Thank you for your order. Great customerComment after wildweka sold #428924 to katier1985
Great customer thank you. And thank you for supporting a small handmade business, I appreciate it! I hope the tail provides endless imaginative play.Comment after imaginethis sold #418646 to katier1985
Thank you for your purchase. Good communicationComment after myquietbooks sold #422311 to katier1985
Hi Katie. Thank you for your order of baby shark finger puppets! We have wrapped it up for Max and will be sending it tomorrow.Many thanks and God bless