Some of the things I love to make are open ended toys that encourage a child to use their imagination and learn through their play. A child always looks at a toy differently from an adult and I love the joy knowing things I have made will be enjoyed by them in their own special way.
I also enjoy making items for adults as well as the children, Things that may improve the quality of life for those needing extra care like people with dementia or Alzheimers. Also items that can be given as a gift to bring joy to others or just to treat yourself.
I always try to source any items I use like fabric and knick knacks from op shops, craft swaps etc as reusing and recrafting things are very important to me. My friends all know to pass on fabric to me to use.
As much as possible I upcycle and reuse products. I source items from a variety of places and firmly believe in avoiding wastage and give fabric and many other items a new life.