Feedback for irinavelman
irinavelman's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for irinavelman
Comment after amymenard bought #543517 from irinavelman
Beautiful and sturdy glasses case, highly recommended!Comment after curlicuenz bought #555267 from irinavelman
Looks great thanks - it's a Christmas present which I'm sure will be appreciated.Comment after curlicuenz bought #522742 from irinavelman
This was so good last year, I've come back to buy another this year... It's a present for my daughter. Thank you :)Comment after brendamd bought #517468 from irinavelman
Purchased 4 coin purses as presents for Christmas. They were all beautiful and very well received.Comment after ksteffens bought #520205 from irinavelman
Lovely garden tool set. Prompt postage.Comment after indieautumn bought #418009 from irinavelman
Many thanks for the excellent productComment after juliefairey bought #505741 from irinavelman
Perfect! Nice and bright, so easy to find in my bag. Thanks heapsComment after lilsquirrels bought #495467 from irinavelman
Beautiful calendar, would definitely buy from Creativesoul again.Comment after littlehearts bought #490115 from irinavelman
Gorgeous Calendar!! Absolutely in love with the bright vibrant art! Thank you :)Comment after ladyliz bought #479885 from irinavelman
Such a gorgeous calendar with a difference - so bright and cheerful all year round!Comment after jtbail7262 bought #427842 from irinavelman
Stunning, much appreciated by the recipientComment after lindsmit9007 bought #472197 from irinavelman
Beautiful calendarThanks for the prompt delivery