Feedback for indiana
indiana's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for indiana
Comment after renniemakes sold #573782 to indiana
Thanks so much for your support!!! Hope you love your new cardi :)Comment after henahena sold #469773 to indiana
Thank you for your purchase at Hena Hena!Your item is on its way now.
I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback.
Kind regards,
Comment after petalcraft sold #177806 to indiana
Thank you for buying the leather kowhai brooch. Enjoy.Comment after littlelionsnz sold #398272 to indiana
Thanks for supporting Little Lions NZEnjoy :)
Comment after littlelionsnz sold #398273 to indiana
Thanks for supporting Little Lions NZEnjoy :)
Comment after repurpose sold #390112 to indiana
Thank you for purchasing NZ up-bicycled from re:purpose and your prompt payment. I have included a free gift tag with your order ;o) Hope you get lots of joy from your "new" earrings! Ngā mini nui, RonjaComment after woodbotherer* sold #300245 to indiana
Wonderful! Thank you for buying from the Woodbotherer.Comment after huntingflags sold #202283 to indiana
The best kind of buyer. Hope the little one who you bought this flag for is inspired daily.x