Feedback for hazelnuts
hazelnuts's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for hazelnuts
Comment after embroiderbee sold #506964 to hazelnuts
Thank you for your order!Comment after dasatoww sold #550573 to hazelnuts
Great easy sale, quick payment and delivery details.Comment after plantandshare sold #475483 to hazelnuts
Thanks so much, excellent to work with.Comment after plantandshare sold #475482 to hazelnuts
Excellent to work with. ThanksComment after plantandshare sold #475484 to hazelnuts
Thanks so much for your purchase and for supporting NZ made. So lovey to communicate with youComment after kopiecreativ sold #475485 to hazelnuts
Thanks for your purchase!Comment after onetrickpony sold #440520 to hazelnuts
Great customer, thanks :)Comment after fat-spatula sold #475493 to hazelnuts
Thanks for ordering from me once again - top stuff.Comment after crushesgoods sold #435742 to hazelnuts
Thanks Jacqui! Your tracking is AJON001133 with nz courier.Sarah :)
Comment after fat-spatula sold #433733 to hazelnuts
Another fine example of a genuine online buyer - thanks for supporting my business.Comment after crushesgoods sold #433734 to hazelnuts
Thanks Jacqui! Your tracking number is AJON001120 with NZ Courier.Sarah :)
Comment after leftfieldnz sold #359552 to hazelnuts
Thank you for your positive feedback - hope he loves the print as much as I had designing it!Comment after msmichelley sold #329564 to hazelnuts
Lovely fast payment and lovely feedback. Thank you so much Jacqui for your kind such as yours always means more coming from a fellow crafter :)Comment after slyfox sold #162779 to hazelnuts
A lovely customer ^-^Many thanks for supporting our work, we hope you enjoy!