Feedback for happy-valley
happy-valley's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for happy-valley
Comment after wairekadesigns bought #585667 from happy-valley
Thank you so much. The stickers are amazing I can’t wait to start using themComment after vanillabean bought #584205 from happy-valley
So grateful for your help with making lip balm stickers for my daughter's little venture.Comment after tuesdaygrey bought #577419 from happy-valley
This sticker works well on my kindle case :)Nice and sticky, with no peeling up on the edges.
Would highly recommend!
Comment after tuesdaygrey bought #577418 from happy-valley
Nicky's stickers are great and I am looking forward to purchasing some more :)Comment after tuesdaygrey bought #577421 from happy-valley
This is my favourite sticker of the bunch!Fast shipping and great customer service, too.
Nicky was super helpful and let me know when they shipped.