dirtbuddy's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you so much for choosing Piccalilli. Your tunics are on their way! I Please do become a Facebook Liker of Piccalillikids to stay upto date with special offers and new items.
Thank you so much for choosing Piccalilli. Your tunics are on their way! I hope that you love them.
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop. Hope you like the pants. Delphine.
Thank you for shopping at the RUbyLou Shop again! Hope you like the pants and the dress. Have a great Xmas. Delphine.
Thank you again for shopping at the RubyLou Shop! Hope you'll like the pants. Delphine.
Thank you for shopping at the RubyLou Shop! Hope you'll like the pants and the dress. Delphine.