Feedback for co0kee
co0kee's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for co0kee
Comment after pepindesign sold #151544 to co0kee
Thank you so much for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your prints!Comment after pepindesign sold #151543 to co0kee
Thank you so much for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your prints!Comment after pepindesign sold #151542 to co0kee
Thank you so much for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your prints!Comment after pepindesign sold #151541 to co0kee
Thank you so much for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your prints!Comment after pepindesign sold #151540 to co0kee
Thank you so much for your purchase from Pepin Design - enjoy your prints!Comment after minsidesignltd sold #142720 to co0kee
Thank you for supporting my little business, I hope you enjoy!Comment after artatthevilla sold #135872 to co0kee
Wonderful to deal with. ThanksHighly recommended.
On the way by Courier
Comment after artatthevilla sold #128546 to co0kee
Wonderful to deal with. ThanksHighly Recommended.
On the way by Courier.