Feedback for chickpea78
chickpea78's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for chickpea78
Great sale, quick payment. Thank you for supporting CherryBerry, I hope you enjoy the bags :)
Great sale, quick payment. Thank you for supporting CherryBerry, I hope you enjoy the bags :)
on its way, enjoy the taggy and its little matching rattle!
new taggy is on its way with your other set! sorry about the delay! enjoy
thank you so much for your order. Its on its way
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
Absolute pleasure to sell to :) Thanks so much!
Perfect customer, fast payment. Thanks so much for choosing Little Tui Blue!
Very quick payment, thanks so much, hope you enjoy them!!
Awesome customer, fast payment. Thank you for choosing Little Tui Blue!
Perfect customer, super fast payment! Thanks so much :)
Excellent customer - thank you for your purchase! Enjoy the headband. x
Thankyou so much for your purchase:)
thankyou for you for being so efficient, lovely doing buissness with you :)
Wonderful customer, thanks! Your earrings were posted yesterday (Monday), I hope you enjoy them
Perfect customer, super-fast payment! Thanks so much for choosing Little Tui Blue!