Feedback for cestlavie
cestlavie's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Feedback comments for cestlavie
Comment after nzart sold #466352 to cestlavie
Thanks for your purchase.I hope you enjoy your Windsticks.
I hope to see you again.
Many Thanks
Comment after katiek432 bought #148021 from cestlavie
Excellent trade. Friendly and fast delivery. Love the wheat bag, thanks!Comment after maureendd bought #117343 from cestlavie
Such a lovely seller, very happy to make me a special order.All done quickly and beautifully, even arriving in colour co-ordinated gift wrap and ribbon!
Kaye has a very personal touch, I couldn't be happier.
Comment after maureendd bought #51206 from cestlavie
I LOVE it! Sent to my daughter as a gift. You could charge more - such good value!!Comment after ninjapebbles bought #45948 from cestlavie
thank you for the fast postage, the wheat bag is helping me sleep vey well.Comment after natmccall bought #58967 from cestlavie
Thank you so much Kaye. The paua wedding favours are gorgeous.Highly recommended