barbiedoll's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
many thanks for choosing emma george, I hope your little person enjoys the clothes :)
many thanks for choosing emma george!
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
Great customer, with prompt payment. Thanks for shopping with Magpie Design!
Thank you so much for your fast purchase! It was a pleasure, Enjoy! A+++ customer!
Thank you so much for your fast purchase! It was a pleasure, Enjoy! A+++ customer!
Thank you so much for your fast purchase! It was a pleasure, Enjoy! A+++ customer!
Thank you so much for your fast purchase! It was a pleasure, Enjoy! A+++ customer!
Excellent customer! thanks for buying with sunshineyah and come back anytime.
Excellent customer! thanks for buying with sunshineyah and come back anytime.