andielindsay's star rating is 5 / 5 stars (100%)
The total amount of positive feedback across all transactions is represented as a percentage in stars, to the nearest half star.
Thank you for your order! I hope you love it :)
Wonderfull customer. I'm really happy you like them, thanks.
Fantastic customer, fast payment and contact. Many thanks!
Fantastic customer, fast payment. Many thanks & Best wishes
I'm so happy you like them. Thanks to you, you are a really good customer.
Lovely customer. A real pleasure to deal with. Thanks again for your order.
Wonderful buyer, a pleasure to do business with. Hope you like the cardigan lovely lady and thank you for your patience :)
Hope that your Visor arrived safely and that you're enjoying it. Since we chatted last I've discovered that you can still donate to the Red Cross Canterbury Earthquake Appeal by depositing in their account so I will do that with your purchase amount - Thank you for supporting Felt Aid! :)